Patch 9.1.5 byworld of Warcraft will probably meet many small wishes. A good thing? No, finds our WoW demon CORTYN. It's embarrassing.
That Patch 9.1 of World of Warcraft was not exactly the shine of Blizzard, is now known to everyone. Whether it's about the ongoing GRING of Torghast, the weekly activation of fame or the story - patch 9.1 is not very popular and has, together with the sexism scandal at Blizzard, many long-standing fans and also content creator.
There is the upcoming patch 9.1.5 of the not nail of the developers to fulfill the players as many wishes as possible, which can easily be implemented and do not require much effort. After all, 9.1.5 is only a small intermediate patch and will bring little new innovations. The X.5er patches have always been for fine tuning and little things.
The first promises from Blizzard also met the nerve of a specific player group:
- After the announcement in February, that for the time being, there will be no new opportunities for character adaptation, Blizzard has now steady and yet announced new options for empty elves, light-forged Draenei and nightborn.
- Nachtfae players get the long way to turn themselves into different small animals with the soul shape - including squirrels, but (presumably) also Corgies.
- New travel assets for Druids.
- Old content with plenty of cosmetic rewards becomes more accessible. Island expeditions can also be solo farms in the future to complete the numerous transmog items and toys.
Only a few hours ago came further confirmations: Blizzard meets pretty much all wishes the players had. Free pact change, less stress with anima, elimination of the conduit energy.
These are just the first things that have been announced. During the coming days, more such low-hanging fruits will be disclosed, so simple changes that require little effort in development, but liked the players. We have already talked about a number of these possible innovations in this article:
Please do not get me wrong. It is of course great that Blizzard with patch 9.1.5 announces a whole series of changes and improvements that make the World of Warcraft more enjoyable. An improvement is always something good and of course welcome from the point of view of a current player.
However, Blizzard has to admit that - had something hungry - question: why only now?
Feature cycle at World of Warcraft
In recent years, a circulation has formed, which is slowly only visible as an embarrassing. Already in the beta there is comprehensive feedback to a feature that does not matter to the community.
This eternal circle of We bring a feature that does not like players in its current form and improve that over the course of a year is tiring. It is predictable. Everyone now knows that systems are unfinished and then readjusted in the course of the patch until most WoW players are satisfied with it.
Of course, an improvement is good - also a late improvement. From my point of view, it is always better to improve a situation instead of saying: Oh, we leave that, not worth it anymore.
But if the same problem is again and again and again and years of exactly the same with different features happens, then the sad. Because then only two possible conclusions remain in the end:
- Blizzard is unable to create systems so that much of the community likes them. The developers are incompetent.
- Blizzard deliberately publishes the systems incomplete in order to stress players first and to redeem them later and wish to give them. It's calculus of developers.
I do not like both ideas. Both thoughts of thought, but after the garrison in Warlords of Draenor, the Legendary Items in Legion, the Azerit Armor in Battle for Azeroth and the countless coexisted systems in Shadowlands, only these two possibilities remain open.
Some maybe one may now say that there is also a third option: Time truck that makes it possible for the developers to edit and fully publish systems long enough. But that would be only a mix of both reasons - inability and calculus. If something is not satisfactory, you can move it. Blizzard was known for this. It's Done When It's Done and not It's a bit done, rest we do later, sometimes look, maybe not.
The next addon becomes crucial - again
The developers also have only one way to defend both allegations. You must proof with 10.0, ie the next extension, proving that you bring sophisticated systems directly to the start. Because even the Treusten WoW fans suspect that it does not need many warning shots for World of Warcraft until a ball meets times.
What still confuses me to this day: In the beta you could at times completely about Torghast levels. I loved it right. As an option for twinks this would be optimal. I never understood why that was simply painted with later beta phases. It felt so good and that, though Torghast did not have any rewards out of gray placeholder -item.
Sure, some decisions are so strange that they were not understanding at all. When the BlizzConline questioned the question of new Cosmetics with We have seen how much you liked the new character adjustments, so we do not make any more answered, it has come up with a silly meme from it. Good that you have a difference again.
More News around World of Warcraft on Meinmmo is here:
- Parasitic systems and how they make our beloved MMORPGs worse
- WOW has just made much less than 2 million active players
- What happens to Shadowlands? Speculation, theories and confirmed
I am also aware that myself is not always entirely in the loud voices of the community. I do not care about Conduit Energy because I do not value perfect min / maxing. I have fun at Torghast and no problem with being tied to a pact - I like the permanence of this decision and the negative consequences, if one wants to be subsequently covered. But I can live well with it, if that falls away.
As you know, I still have fun to Wow. For me it is still a good game in which I like to spend my time. I love mythical + with my guild or the Raid evenings with friends and acquaintances in the sanctum of rule. But World of Warcraft could be so much better and without particularly great effort. One would only have to take the time and listen.
So: Yes, Blizzard. Please bring many good and simple improvements in patch 9.1.5. And in the future you will do that right from the beginning. As before, as games to release had to be finished. Thanks.
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