Pokémon Go: Big fan boycott forces developers to rethink

After many players threaten to return their backs to digital monster, the makers now swing around and think about their recently hit procedures. But how is the problem is and what is it all about? Soon you know.

Players are pushed up by Pokémon Go

Numerous Pokémon Go players are upset about the procedure of Niantic in the current situation and therefore no longer want to touch the game. But what is the reason for this hard decision of the community?

After the developer recently removed the Social Spacer Function from the game, the game forced users to comment together again to turn so-called Pokéstops or to remove struggles in arenas. Some players then reported that they even had to stand closer to each other than that was the case before the Corona Pandemic.

Whether this approach is given again increasing infection numbers in the US sets the right sign , many fans asked. Niantic itself, however, first turned out to the topic. So many quickly made the impression that the Pokémon Go Creator would not take the feedback from the player community .

Pokémon-Go developer becomes late only late

In order to get stronger hearing, the players were forced to build pressure media . About Twitter many used the Hashtag #bocottniantic among the developer tweets to further expression their displeasure. In the second step, many Pokémon players and well-known Youtuber shared an open letter in the social media under the Hashtag #hearusniantic . For example, in the Pokémon-Go subbreddit.


We Have Heard Your Feedback About One Change in Particular - That of the Pokéstop and Gym Interaction Distance. WE REVERTED THE INTERACTION DISTANCE FROM 80 METERS BACK TO THE ORIGINAL 40 METERS STARTING IN THE U.S. And New Zealand Because We Want People to Connect To Real Places in The Real World, And to Visit Places That Are Worth Exploring.

However, We Have Heard Your Input Loud and Clear and So to Address The Concerns You Have Raised, We Are Taking the Following Actions: We Are Assembling on Internal Cross-Functional Team To Develop Proposals Designed to Preserve Our Mission of Inspiring People to Explore The World Together, While So Addressing Specific Concerns That Have Been Raised Regarding Interaction Distance. We Will Share The Findings of This Task Force by The Next in Game Season Change (September 1). AS Part of This Process, We want to be Reaching Out To Community Leaders in The Coming Days to Join US in This Dialogue.


We have heard your feedback regarding a certain change. It's about the interaction at the Pokéstop and Arenas. We have reduced the interaction distance of 80 m to the original 40 m (starting in the US and New Zealand) because we want people to connect real places in the real world and visit places that are worth visiting become.

_ However, we have heard your concerns loud and clearly. Therefore, we take the following measures: We internally take a "cross-Functional team", whose task will be to maintain proposals that inspire our mission to inspire people to explore the world. At the same time, concerns about the interaction distance are to be considered. We want to share the results of this Task Force in the upcoming season (from 1 September) with you. As part of this process, we will also step in dialogue with our community leaders. "_

_Noch not looked in? These games have to be on the screen: _

What do you say about this procedure? Just right or completely past reality? Visit us on Facebook and tells us your opinion on this topic.
