One of the most striking points of all Far Cry 6 lies in the vistosity of their new companions... who are also all animals. Yes, surely you fell in love with chorizo the first time you saw it in some video. Because it is impossible not to fall rendered before the charms of this puppy and the two wheel.
He is an ideal companion if the stealth is going, besides. Apart that he will serve as a perfect distraction in front of the soldiers of Anton Castillo, since he will keep them occupied for a few seconds. That is why we are going to tell you how to get it as soon as possible to be your best ally by Yara.
Requirements to unlock Chorizo at Far Cry 6
So that Chorizo is one in your ranks You must overcome the first Yara region. That tiny island where you know freedom and Juan Cortez presents you to handsome, the crocodile. As soon as you fulfill the last mission of that area and discover the liberty on another island to the northeast of the map, you will be given a letter of absolute freedom to explore the entire full region of Yara with Dani Rojas.
Your goal is early morning. Yes, northwest of the map. There you will have to first activate the mission of Philly Barzaga, where curiously you will see Chorizo for the first time. However, he will not join until he does not complete the second mission, in which Philly himself urges you to meet the head of the family, Carlos Montero.
After this you will have access to that other base of freedom. And you will see that Chorizo will have a mission for you in which he will ask for food. Neither more nor less than crocodile meat, which you will find the southwest of the area. By completing that simple mission (do not kill the crocodiles to knife, but better from the distance with firearms), he will ask you another one that you will have to do without leaving the dawn base.
You will simply have to follow chorizo to receive each and every one of the buried gifts that you discover. And then he will join, finally. So he enjoys his company, who is adorable and worth it if the stealth is going.
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