The new story of Overwatch alludes to Hero 32

Given the fact that this years archive event would not come with a new history mode, things have calmed up with the new coming content overwatch.

During the three previous archive events, we got a new fashion mode based on a single-level story with a time of Overwatch history. This year, according to Blizzard, there would be no new story mode, which made the players believe they would not get new knowledge either.

Overwatch HERO 32 Teaser Breakdown - Release Date, Lore, & Hero Clues!

However, during the second week of this archive event, the Twitter Overwatch account has published a new update of the story of nowhere, a character whose name can ring the bell to those who know the History of Overwatch.

Dr. Mind Lao is known to be one of the six founding members of Overwatch, and the only one who is not already in the game. (The other five founders being Reinhardt, Torsion, Ana, Reaper and Soldier: 76. ) She is a scientist and, as the former Senior Scriptwriter said Michael Chu, she will play an important role in the coming history.

That said, it is unlikely that Lao itself is the next hero, and we still do not know if it will be a playable character in the game.

What we know now is that Lao was involved in Athenas prototype, the IA who is a companion of Winston, and that she is one of the people at the forefront of robotic and optical technology. Although we have never seen Lao, this new story highlights the fight and the battle between organic life and robots in the overwatch universe.

We also known by Blazon 2019 that Echo, the robot presented in the video revelation of ASHE Meeting, will be 100% a hero in the future and will play a role in overwatch when it comes out.

That the next hero is or not overwatch is echo is In the air, but its pretty sure of assuming that the next hero will offer a Major contribution to the conflict of history that is preparing between man-robot relations.

The Archives event continues until April 2.
