GTA Online: Fan shares in 18 different types of players

In the vast community of GTA Online have developed many typical player behavior. A fan bothered on Reddit and identified 18 players classes for Rock Star Game. He shows in a humorous way, how about Chiller or Outfitter in the game list. Which type you recognize you again?

Even though the player community of GTA Online vibrant, diverse and is huge, above all, a gamer has them divided on Reddit in 18 types — with a good eye for detail and humor. The Post has provided in the community already for neat conversation and incidentally collected over 7000 up votes. To which of the groups you belong?

GTA Online: it recognizes these 18 Player Classes?

Whether complete beginners or retired professionals, nasty grievers or friendly helpers: These 18 players categories of users Therealmicahbell can be found (just about) all GTA online gamers again:

In his post Therealmicahbell has filed all GTA Online in-Gamer Categories and each provided with their typical characteristics — of the hated grievers up godlike to the (possibly) Scramjettern. Its categories include:

The six-year-old: Ask any female figure, whether she wants to be his girlfriend. Tried to kill you and fails. Has already bought 17 Megalodon cards and squandered all the money for cars. The Chiller: Watches television if he does not drive his car through the area. Listening to the radio as he sits in the car and take hitchhikers other players. 90 percent of the time in passive mode. The super-rich: Has too much money. Has all the cars. Does not cease to grind. The Outfitter: Has invested in its style 17.6 million. therefore, spends 50 percent of his time in his dressing room. Because there are playing female characters for her more style options. The Helpful: Helps beginners. Gives them 80 percent of the loot. Tried to kill grievers.

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12 Types Of Players In GTA Online! (Different Kinds Of GTA 5 Players) How do you like the 18 player classes? Do you recognize yourself in the list or would have for you a 19 class to be invented? Visit us on our Facebook page and tell us where your opinion in the comment section!
