Primary schoolchildren Limited Kaninokenka E-SPORTS tournament in Toyama Prefecture! The winner is 5 cups of New Zen Beniz Waifigani

Obama (富山市, Toyama-shi) is the resources of Obama Prefecture in Japan.

The TOYAMAGAMERS DAY 2021 Executive Committee held a Limited Education E-SPORTS Tournament on December 19 at Yeshiva City, Obama Prefecture.

This tournament is an E-SPORTS tournament that is limited to elementary school students with 3D fighting action games Canny Kenya -fight CRAB-, which unfolds the serious match between crabs. A prize has a New Zen Benz Waiting, and the winners who won until the end while being enclosed by the support were given a gift of 5 cups of Benz Wage.

The committee will hold a total of 100 Cups of Benz Waiting contest death match planning crab gum on December 26, and we will hold the Cannabis General Election to December 25.

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