Last updated there is April 1, 2020
The Corinth Premium is the primary version of the Tenno Corinth Fighter Rifle, providing a considerably increased ammunition capacity, an increased critical multiplier and improved status chances compared to the non-premium version.
The Corinth is a fantastic and fun weapon, and we are sure that the primed version will be a warm element for many players, especially those who have the chance to have a good riven for the weapon.
Corinth relics
Most of the premium agriculture is what relics look for when playing the game. The following relics contain the different components you need to build Corinth Premium and the scarcity of the component.
- Blueprint - Common - AXI T4
- Stock - Rare - LITCH C6
- Canon - Rare - MESO C5
- Receiver - Uncommon - Neo R4
Corinth Prime Relic Farming
You can win different types of relics by doing various activities. These are some of the best activities, in my opinion, to win each type of relic.
- Lith - Hepit in the void. A quick capture has practically guaranteed a lith relic at the end. You spend some time in this mission.
- Meso - IO on Jupiter. Defense mission, the rotation has a very good chance of bringing down a relic meso. Make ten waves, then leave and repeat for MESO farming.
- Neo - Xini on Eris. An interception mission. The rotation A is a warranty Neo Relic.
- AXI - XINI on Eris. The B and C rotations of this interception will drop an Axi relic. This zone allows you to cultivate neo and axi relics at the same time.
Here is Tenno, now you should no longer have a problem to cultivate these corinth relics. Good luck.
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