Players can choose from various races, specializations and perks in Trigon: Space Story. First, we will talk about each specialization and the advantages associated with it, and then about each race and its advantages.
- All specializations in Trigon: Space Story, explanation
- Explanation of all the advantages of the race in Trigon: Space Story.
- privileges 1 level
- shield operator
- Operator Hyperdroder
- Operator of Weapons
- pilot
- Engineer
- Medic
- Warrior
- all human abilities
- Start Statistics
- All Perki and Specialization Taertikon
- Start Statistics
- All Perki and Specialization of Rakhi
- Start Statistics
- All bonuses and specialization etari
- Start Statistics
- racing benefits
- racing benefits
- racing benefits
Table of contents
All specializations in Trigon: Space Story, explanation
Privileges of level 1
Shield operator
Hyperdriner operator
Weapon operator
Explanation of all the advantages of the race in Trigon: Space Story.
All human abilities
All perks and specializations Taertikon
All perks and specializations of Rakhi
All bonuses and specializations etari
All specializations in Trigon: Space Story, explanation
The game has seven specializations, each with its own advantages. All perks of the 1st level are the same, with the exception of several unique for warriors.
privileges 1 level
Hulk * - Health increases by 50. assault armor - incoming damage is reduced by 25%. Sprinter - The speed of movement increases by one point.
shield operator
The restoration of the shield increases by 1 point per second, and the shields are charged 25% faster when the crew member with this specialization is as a weapon operator. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Shield operator Level 2 * Shield Expert - the maximum power of the shield increases by 10 units per unit of generator energy supplied. * This crew member should occupy the position of the shield operator. Master of the shield - after reloading, the shield is turned on with 100% charge. * This crew member should occupy the position of the shield operator. Shield operator Level 3 The overload of the shield * - instantly doubles the current value of the shield. It also doubles the maximum shield value for 30 seconds. * Consumes 1 fuel. * This crew member should occupy the position of the shield operator. Raise the shields - instantly restores a 100% shield on your ship. * Consumes 1 fuel. * This crew member should occupy the position of the shield operator. Strength strengthening * - increases the speed of restoration of the shield by 10 units per second for 30 seconds. * Consumes 1 fuel. * This crew member should occupy the position of the shield operator.
Operator Hyperdroder
The hypersigator charges 25% faster, when a crew member with this specialization holds the position of an operator of a hyperdrod. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Hyperdrod operator Level 2 * * Master-mechanic-adds 1 point of energy. * This crew member should be in the place of the hyperdrod operator. * Hyperdrive Expert - Hyperdrive will be fully charged at the entrance to the new system with the combat phase. * This crew member should be in the place of the hyperdrod operator. Hyperdrod operator Level 3 * * Acceleration - the evasion of your ship increases by 20% by 10 seconds. * This crew member should be in the place of the hyperdrod operator. * Go! - instantly charges the hyperdrod. * Consumes 2 fuels. * This crew member should be in the place of the hyperdrod operator.
Operator of Weapons
The weapon is charged 25% faster when the crew member with this specialization is as a weapon operator. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
gunsmith level 2 * * Master shooter-each shot with a probability of 20% causes double damage. * This crew member should occupy the position of weapon operator. * An expert in arms - all weapons have a 20% probability that it will be instantly charged. * This crew member should be a weapon operator. gunsmith level 3 * * Apple - accuracy increases to 1000% by 10 seconds. * This crew member should occupy the position of weapon operator. * Fast shooting - the weapon is twice faster. * This crew member should occupy the position of weapon operator. * Harpoon - the next hit on the enemy ship completely drops his charge of the hyperdrod. * It consumes 2 fuels. * This crew member should occupy the position of weapon operator.
The evasion of the ship increases by 12%, when a crew member with this specialization is on the bridge. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Pilot level 2 * * Natural Born Ace - the damage of the case is halved. * This crew member should occupy the position of the bridge operator. * A hard hand - evasion increases by 0.2% for every 1% loss of the ship’s combat effectiveness. * This crew member should occupy the position of the bridge operator. Pilot level 3 * * Battle Run - the evasion of your ship and the chosen enemy ship falls to zero for 10 seconds. * This crew member should occupy the position of the bridge operator. * Manifesting - the evasion of the ship increases by 50% by 10 seconds. * This crew member should occupy the position of weapon operator.
The engineer can repair and extinguish the fire 100% faster. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Engineer 2 level * * Electric - adds two energy points to any system in which they are. * Technician - protects 100% of the systemic levels from AMI in any system in which they are located. * Master engineer-adds level 2 to any system in which it is located. Engineer level 3 * * Blocking the shield - temporarily blocks 4 units of energy of the shield generator on the enemy ship. * Consumes 4 scraps. * This crew member should be in the place of the sensor operator. * Supplier of the guidance system - temporarily blocks 4 points of energy of the weapon generator on the enemy ship. * Consumes 4 scraps. * This crew member should be in the place of the sensor operator. * Grounding-removes from the ship all the emi-perepasses. * Consumes 6 scrap metal. * Sprinkler system - instantly extinguishing all fires on the ship. * Consumes 4 reserves. * This crew member should occupy the position of a gateway operator. * Reserve power - instantly extinguishes all fires on the ship. * Consumes 1 fuel. * Adds four energy points to the reactor for 60 seconds.
The medical compartment restores two more HP per second, when a crew member with this specialization is in Medotsek. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Medic 2 levels * * A combat medic - every second restores 2 HP all friendly crew members in one room. * The ship doctor - every second restores 0.5 HP all friendly crew members on the ship. * This crew member should be in the honey. Medic 3 levels * * Treatment - restores 5 HP every second to all crew members in one room. * Consumes 2 reserves * Resuscitation - resurrects friendly unit on the same ship with 50% of health. * Consumes 10 scrap metal * Consumes 1 fuel * Emergency assistance - instantly restores 50 units. Health to friendly unit with the smallest lake on the same ship. * Consumes 1 stock
Damage from warriors increases by one point, and incoming damage decreases by 25%. Below are the benefits characteristic of this specialization:
Warrior Level 1 * * Middle -fighting master - the damage in close combat increases by two points. * Sniper - damage in long -range battle increases by two points. * This crew member should be in the honey. Warrior Level 2 * * Martial Arts Master - Damage in close combat increases by 10%. * The first perk was chosen by the Middle Bow master. * Crusher - Damage to doors and systems increases by five points. * The first perk was chosen by the Middle Bow master. * Explosive charge - sets a bomb in the room in which they are located. The bomb will explode in three seconds and will apply 30 units of damage to enemy units, doors and systems of the ship in this room. * Light -shoe grenade - enemy units in one room stun.
Explanation of all the advantages of the race in Trigon: Space Story.
all human abilities
People start with 100 units of health and are the most average race. They can specialize in anything, but not be the best in this. They consume two supplies every day and are the most common race in the game.
Start Statistics
maximum health *: 100 Close battle : 3 Far battle : 4 Demolition *: 1 Speed : 2 Repair : 1 reserves * for day : 2 Oxygen needs a second *: 25
racing benefits
Happy * - avoids receiving any damage with a probability of 50%. in double ! - Instantly recharges the active skills of all friendly units on the ship on which the captain is located. * Consumes 10 reserves. Passionate speech - Instantly increases the fighting spirit of all friendly units on a ship by 0.5. * Consumes five reserves.
All Perki and Specialization Taertikon
Taerticons are cubes of AI. They have 50 units of health, and they can do the usual work well. These are the best operators of weapons, shields and hyperdroder. In addition, they do not consume any supplies and do not need oxygen for breathing. The only drawback is that they cannot fight and easily kill them, because they have a low level of health. They cannot be warriors.
Start Statistics
maximum health *: 50 Near battle : 0 Far battle : 0 Demolition *: 0 Speed : 2 Repair : 1.5 Deliveries per day *: 0 Oxygen needs a second *: 0
racing benefits
* Nanomashins - This partner can treat his own wounds with the help of nanomans that are produced in his own body.
All Perki and Specialization of Rakhi
These beetles, similar to aliens, are the best warriors you can find. During teleportation on an enemy ship, they can kill the team and are quite dangerous. The only drawback of this species is that they are not suitable for nothing else. They spend three reserves per day and cannot fix their equipment. The only time you have to have a warrior is if you have a place. They cannot be engineers.
Start Statistics
maximum health *: 125 Near battle : 6 Far battle Boy : 3 Demolition *: 1 Speed : 2 Repair : 0.5 Deliveries per day *: 3 Oxygen We need a second *: 25
racing benefits
Hitin armor * - incoming damage is reduced by 30%. pointed claws * - the damage in close combat increases by one point and with a probability of 50% causes bleeding in the enemy. * Bloodsucker - restores health in the amount of 30% of damage applied in close combat.
All bonuses and specialization etari
This is the best unit in the game. Despite the fact that they have only 80 units of health, these aliens can recover as quickly as people, but they are created for space. Since they need less oxygen and they consume only one supply per day, they can die from the leak slower.
Start Statistics
maximum health *: 80 Near battle : 2 Far battle Boy : 5 Demolition *: 1 Speed : 2 Repair : 1 Deliveries per day *: 1 Oxygen needs a second *: 20
This race has no unique perks.
To find out more about Trigon: Space Story, why not check What is the difference between Trigon: Space Story and FTL? or Is there a multiplayer or cooperative in Trigon: Space Story? Here, in Pro Game Guides.
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