Call of Duty Warzone 2: Players find amazing place to get loot in Al Mazrah

If you follow Call of Duty's news and more particularly Call of Duty: War zone 2.0, you know that the new Infinity Ward Battle Royale does not offer the Caldera or Verdant map, but Al March's, which many may have seen through Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Thus, the players who have entered Battle Royale mode have already come to know about points of interest and also that it is possible to swim at certain points. Now, if we join the issue of points of interest and swimming... we get to the point where players discovered an underwater area containing some very interesting items.

Get out absolutely all places in War zone 2.0

Although there are fortresses in War zone 2.0 with places that contain a lot of tip loot, there is also the lovers of the deep sea-a well-hidden area in which the action takes place underwater. This was surfaced during a live ninja oadcast, which was playing in a squad with Cloak, Timthetatman and Courage, and when Courage plunges into the water, he comes into a big loot to open.


According to him, there were three armor plates and the Kill streak Precision Strike in it. As a reminder, the latter allows you to call a plane that comes to bombard an area that you are dripping.

As you can imagine, as this content was certainly written not all loot sites were discovered, and in the future other players can put their hands on withdrawals in the water; So if you have trouble finding equipment and are not far from a body of water, do not hesitate to dive from your head, you never know.

War zone 2.0 and its news

In addition to this aquatic gameplay that allows access to underwater looting, War zone 2.0 ought other news such as the proximity chat that is very popular among players. The proximity chat allows Battle Royale players to talk to each other within the game, and more specifically to talk to the nearby enemies, which ings some tension to the games but also yields some very funny scenes to see.
